Town sponsoring DDD workshop
NewsIf you are a property owner within Laurel’s Downtown Development District, save this date: Tuesday, September 26. The Town of Laurel is sponsoring a DDD Workshop at the Laurel Public Library. The session will be 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Downtown…

LRC launches new website
NewsThe Laurel Redevelopment Corporation has launched a new website to more effectively feature LRC projects and accomplishments.
This new website, designed by Lee Ann Walling of Cedar Creek Sustainable Planning Services, was designed to be more…

LRC will lead Old Town revitalization
Laurel's Old Town neighborhood is on the verge of a substantial facelift. Delaware's Strong Neighborhoods Fund has awarded $500,000 to the Laurel Redevelopment Corporation for the construction of four new homes and the purchase-rehabilitation…